JANUARY 2017 FLYING STARS (January 5-February 2)
What to Expect
Each month the Stars ‘fly’ from sector to sector within a property. Knowledge is power so use these monthly forecasts to benefit from the highs and avoid some of the pitfalls.


Metal Ox (Xin Chou) in Winter

We are about to enter the final month of the Winter season and the final month of the Year of the Yang Fire Monkey (Bing Shen). This Winter Earth Ox month will bring many changes. From the season of Winter when Water dominates and Wood is strong, this transitional month will see Water beginning to weaken and Wood becoming even stronger. Metal will lose its weak power. After the excitement of the holiday season January can make you feel low and dismal however it is better to think of the changes already taking place, changes destined to bring about warmer days and new growth.

The Metal Rat (Geng Zi) of December will now make way for the Metal Ox (Xin Chou) of January. The Ox (NE1) is an Earth animal which is also known as a Storage, or Graveyard animal. This represents a time of change, in this instance the end of Winter and the imminent arrival of Spring. The animal in conflict with the Ox is the Goat, another Storage animal located in SW1. If you do not know your Chinese animal sign please contact us and we will be happy to send you the information. The Yin Metal Ox (Xin Chou) month runs from January 5-February 2. In the 24 Seasons of the Solar Calendar January 5-January 20 is known as Less Cold. January 21-February 2 is known as More Cold. It has to get worse before it gets better!

So how are the energies likely to behave in each sector in January?

A quick précis indicates the dominant energies of Period 8 (8, 9 and 1 stars) are located in Southeast (8), Centre (9) and Northwest (1) for the month. The most auspicious sectors in January are the Southeast (1 Annual/8 Monthly) and Southwest (8 Annual/6 Monthly). South (6 Annual/4 Monthly) will create the sum of ten, bringing positive indications for the sector. The remaining locations will be less advantageous having their share of good and not so good.

NORTH-Annual 7/Monthly 5: Resident Qi 1: January sees the monthly 5 Yellow Star joining the annual 7 Red Star of Violence. If your main door or bedroom is located in the North take care this month. The entry of the 5 Yellow brings with it the chance of various types of misfortune from health, business, personal and safety issues. Keep this area as quiet and undisturbed as possible to reduce the chance of this happening. If you can avoid  it as much as possible it will limit the risk of difficulties rearing their head. While there is elemental balance with Earth (5) creating Metal (7) creating Water (element of the North) it is not a harmonious balance.
SOUTH-Annual 6/Monthly 4: Resident Qi 9: The Annual 6 White Star is joined by the 4 Green Literary Star. This sum of ten can bring with it excellent opportunities for those spending time in the South. If your Gua number is 9 this will be particularly helpful. Students can benefit from the positive energy of the 4 Star if they study in the South. Spend time in the South however remember to face one of your positive directions to bring maximum benefit. Women particularly can see positive outcomes from the presence of this combination of Stars. Those looking for love may also want to frequent the South.
WEST-Annual 4/Monthly 2: Resident Qi 7: The annual 4 Green Literary Wood Star has the 2 Black Star of Illness for company in January. While the 4 Star will benefit students or those working in the literary field, Wood and Earth as well as Wood and Metal have conflicting relationships so the energies here will not be optimum. Avoid activating this area to reduce the risk of illness striking if you have no choice than to spend time in the West.
EAST-Annual 9/Monthly 7: Resident Qi 3: The 9 Purple Magnifying Star of the year, also the Star of Future Prosperity is joined by the 7 Red Star of Violence for the month. This will turn the East from a positive to a challenging area during January. The inherent Wood element of the East is strong which together with the Fire element of the 9 Star should be sufficient to control the weak Metal element of the 7 Star. As long as this area is not activated by excessive movement it should not present too many issues for those having to spend time here.
NORTHWEST-Annual 3/Monthly 1: Resident Qi 6: The Annual 3 Jade Star of Disagreements and the 1 White Star are both residing in the Northwest during January. This will improve the lot of those whose main door is located here. This will benefit the career-minded and particularly those looking to take a step up in their working life. There is still the risk of disagreements erupting so keep the area as quiet as possible to reduce the chances of this occurring. Overall not too bad a month here so stay alert to the risk of disputes and all should be well.
NORTHEAST-Annual 5/Monthly 3: Resident Qi 8: The 5 Yellow in 2016 indicates the need to be aware at all times. Already an area of concern this year the Northeast sees the arrive of the 3 Jade Star of Disagreements in January. This is a conflicting pairing (Earth and Wood) which could cause misfortune for residents if the negative energies are activated. Avoiding this sector is probably the best option for this final month of the year after which things will improve. The Ox or the Tiger born may feel the effects of this combination.
SOUTHEAST-Annual 1/Monthly 8: Resident Qi 4: The 1 White Star of Distant Prosperity welcomes the 8 White Wealth Star of Current Prosperity in January. This is the most auspicious palace of the month having two White Stars in residence. Money luck and career opportunities could be there for the taking if your main door, bedroom or office is located here. Although this is a positive pairing they do enjoy a conflicting relationship so be aware of this to avoid the likelihood of misunderstandings between family members or work colleagues. Those with Gua 4 can take advantage of this combination.
SOUTHWEST-Annual 8/Monthly 6: Resident Qi 2: The Southwest is the main wealth sector in 2016 with the 8 White Star of Current Prosperity. In January the 6 White Star pays a visit making this the second most auspicious sector of the month. Heaven luck could bring about opportunities for wealth and windfall luck is also a possibility. This is the time for business owners to consider putting expansion plans into operation. If you are looking for career advancement this is also a positive area to spend time during the month.
CENTRE-Annual 2/Monthly 9: Resident Qi 5: In 2016 the centre of a property sees the number 2 Black Star of Illness rear its head. In January the 9 Purple Magnifying Star will reside here also. This could lead to illness, particularly related to the stomach.

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