January 2018 Flying Stars (January 5-February 3)
What to Expect
Each month Stars ‘fly’ from sector to sector within a property. Knowledge is power so use these monthly forecasts to benefit from the highs and avoid some of the pitfalls. Do always remember though that a month is at most 31 days so a bad month in an annual good sector is not the end of the world.
Yin Water Ox (Gui Chou) in Winter
As much of the west experiences a cold chill we have welcomed 2018 with the usual exuberance of massive firework displays and fun. It is now time to move into the final year of the Chinese Calendar. This Yin Water Ox month takes the Year of the Rooster to conclusion on February 3. Water still dominates this month even though Ox is an Earth animal. Known as Winter Earth the Ox shares the elements of Earth and Water. Known as a Storage Animal it signifies the closing of a chapter and preparation for a new season to emerge; in this case it also means the emergence of a new year; Year of the Yang Earth Dog which will begin on February 4.
Some clarification is required here. The new Chinese Year and Chinese New Year are different and are often confused. To understand the difference read https://tinyurl.com/ydeay8qv.
There is still plenty of Water in the picture this month as we are still in a Water season and a Water month however things will begin to change as Wood will slowly take precedent and Water will weaken. You may not believe this with the extreme weather (much of which is Water based) we are currently experiencing however nature has an uncanny way of doing things her way so who are we to argue.
Yin Water Ox makes January a month when Yin Water (clouds/rain/snow/mist) reigns. It is the final month of the Year of the Rooster.
Ox is located in NE1 (22.5-37.4). Ox represents the hours between 01.00-02.59 in the 12 x 2 hours of the Chinese Zodiac.
In 24 mountains Ox has a clash relationship with Goat in SW1 (202.5-217.4) and combines with Rat in N2 (352.5-07.4). Part of the Metal frame along with Rooster (You) in W2 and Snake (Si) in SE3 it is known as one of the storage animals. In this case Ox stores Metal (together with its inherent elements of Earth and Water). Earth is the only element having a significance in each of the four seasons; it represents the end of one season and the start of another. The Earth element signifies stability and support, nurturing and caring.
Do you have Ox somewhere in your BaZi chart? Depending on its location (year, month, day, hour) it will have a specific meaning for you.
If you do not know your Chinese animal year sign please contact us and we will be happy to send you the information including the influence the Ox will have.
Yin Water Ox month begins on January 5 and ends on February 3. In the 24 Seasons of the Solar Calendar January 5-January 20 is known as Lesser Cold. January 21-February 3 is known as Greater Cold.
In January there is Sum of Ten combination in the South West (Annual 7/Monthly 3. There are Early Heaven combinations in the Centre (Annual 1/Monthly 6), North West (Annual 2/Monthly 7), West (Annual 3/Monthly 8) and North East (Annual 4/Monthly 9).
The dominant and timely energies of Period 8 (8, 9 and 1 stars) are located in East (8), Southeast (9) and Centre (1) for the year.
What can we expect for each of the nine sectors of the Luo Shu Grid in January 2018?
NORTH-Annual 6/Monthly 2: Resident Qi 1: In general the North has been one of the better areas of the year. Spend time here if you are seeking someone to support you in your life as there are indications you could welcome a mentor to assist you in your endeavours. Females sleeping in the North may encounter health issues this month however this will only be of concern if negative stars are activated. Keep the area quiet and all should be well.
SOUTH-Annual 5/Monthly 1: Resident Qi 9: The South will be glad that the final month of the year has arrived and it will be looking forward to the change of energies for 2018. Having the 5 Yellow here may well have caused its share of disruption to residents however for January some relief is present in the form of the 1 White Star. This could well bring career opportunities for anyone spending time here. There are conflict of elements however remember that 1 is a Water Star and Water reigns supreme (at least for this month).
WEST-Annual 3/Monthly 8: Resident Qi 7: As the Grand Duke spends his final month in the West the Early Heaven combination 3/8 (creating Wood) brings opportunities for prosperity to residents. For those in business for themselves there will be income luck for anyone on the look out for it and who takes full advantage when it presents itself. Remember opportunities will mean nothing if you take no action to bring them to fruition.
EAST-Annual 8/Monthly 4: Resident Qi 3: A better month for January says goodbye to the 5 Yellow and welcomes the 4 Wood Star. Students, authors and anyone in the literary field will benefit from the positive energies in this sector. Couples could find it strained in the East this month as there are indications of external interference threatening harmony and peace to an otherwise loving relationship. Be aware and on the look out for those who may only have their own best interests at heart.
NORTHWEST-Annual 2/Monthly 7: Resident Qi 6: Not the best area of the month, the North West sees 2 Black Star of Illness and 7 Red Star of Violence get together. This can cause an increase in office politics for those whose office is in this area. Be careful when using small metal implements such as scissors or knives to avoid the likelihood of injury, not serious but nonetheless a nuisance. If you have your main door in this area be extra careful when leaving the house to keep it locked and secure.
NORTHEAST-Annual 4/Monthly 9: Resident Qi 8: Another good month for the North East sees the 4 Annual/9 Monthly combining. This is an Early Heaven combination which creates Metal. This has the capacity to attract business luck. Students studying for exams can benefit from spending time in this area as the energies indicate their endeavours will bring positive results.
SOUTHEAST-Annual 9/Monthly 5: Resident Qi 4: The South East gets a visit from the 5 Yellow for January. The 5 Yellow Earth Star generally brings the likelihood of disruption into any area of your life so it is vital to keep the area quiet and as undisturbed as possible to avoid activating its malevolence. This Earth element star is in dispute with the energies of the area as Earth and the innate energy of Wood have a conflicting relationship. At this time of the year Wood has little influence over the hard Earth of Winter so err on the side of caution where this combination is concerned.
SOUTHWEST-Annual 7/Monthly 3: Resident Qi 2: The Sum of Ten always indicates the likelihood of financial gains however there are conflicting energies at play here in January so residents of the area could find themselves in dispute for no apparent reason. If you have your main door here please ensure you keep it securely locked when leaving the home. Be aware and keep this sector as trouble free as possible this month. The promise of better things to come in 2018 are on the horizon.
CENTRE-Annual 1/Monthly 7: Resident Qi 5: 1 White Star and 6 White Star join forces in the centre this month.
Remember that if you leave well alone and do not activate a sector then the Stars cannot be disturbed and will have no effect on your day to day life.
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