One and the Same?

Laughing Buddha is instantly recognisable and loved in eastern culture and represents, among other things, the patron of children and a figure of happiness and joy.  He is said to symbolise plenty, hence his large belly which is rubbed to help bring good luck.  His image is used often in Feng Shui symbolism.  He has nothing to do with classical Feng Shui.

He is often depicted with children around his feet and a large sack either on his back or beside him.  His sack is said to signify wealth and good fortune and is full of good things to hand out or bad things to take away.

In a red cloak with a sack on his back he looks something like …

… Father Christmas (Santa Claus)

The figure we all identify during the Christmas season as the bringer of gifts to good children everywhere.

He is instantly recognisable with his red coat and hat, with his white beard, black boots and big belly as a bringer of joy and happiness to children all over the world.

The history of both is shrouded in elements of mystery and we wouldn’t have it any other way. 

The magic of Christmas is brought to life with the promise of gifts delivered by Father Christmas who comes and goes without being seen and he does it all around the world in one night.

Both Laughing Buddha and Father Christmas bring a sense of joy, generosity and abundance, a sense of hope and anticipation of good things to come and their symbolism as well as their mysterious past will continue to enthral us.

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