January 2020 Flying Stars (January 6-February 3)
Ok people…here we are…the last month of our Earth Pig (Ji Hai) year. Are you one of the many who are looking forward to saying adieu to this 2019 Pig year (yours truly among them)? As we move into January and the month of Yin Fire Ox , the transition between seasons begins. Yes, next month we welcome Spring :}
We still see some Fire in January and surprisingly it can make its presence felt. Yin Fire can penetrate the dark and give us some much needed light as we look forward.
Yin Fire Ox (Ding Chou) in Winter (just!)
January is a New Year in the western world and final month of the year in the eastern world. Can we expect anything amazing this month? Well, we have left midwinter behind and there is the merest hint of light ahead. Just like Yin Fire of the month.
Ox is a storage animal, together with its Yin counterpart (and clash animal of the month), the Goat. Their Yang equivalent are the majestic Dragon and the sometimes noisy and unruly Dog.
Ox stores Metal as well as having Water and Earth. In the productive cycle of the Five Elements this Earth animal produces the Metal it stores, which in turn creates Water; the element of our Winter season. Sounds pretty good huh?
Do you have any of these animals appearing in your BaZi chart?
Where they reside (Year, Month, Day, Hour) will influence the effect they have on your fortunes.
Things are changing regarding the strength of the Five Elements. Water is still strong but is beginning to weaken in this last month of the year. Wood waits with bated breath to take the role of prosperous element. Fire will be strong next month. Earth and Metal will be the least prominent elements in springtime. However, we are getting ahead of ourselves!
This is a time when the animal of the month is clashing another Yin Earth animal. This pair are not a match made in heaven as they have differing outlooks on life. Better for the Goat to take things easy this month.
January 6 is the first day of the month which is a Yang Earth Monkey (Wu Shen) day. This is an inauspicious day and not the time to undertake anything of importance.
January 6-January 20 is known as Lesser Cold with January 21-February 3 Greater Cold.
There is a Sum of Ten combination in the Northwest this month. The Central Palace has an auspicious pairing of 8 White/9 Purple.
Central Palace has the current star of prosperity together with the up and coming star of prosperity. Great for an open plan living or working environment. This combination also shares a productive relationship (Fire-9 creates Earth-8). Take advantage of these positive energies yet at the same time keep your feet on the ground and opportunities for wealth will come your way.
Sum of Ten in the Northwest represents collaboration resulting in wealth opportunities. If you are the head of the house or run your own business you can afford to take a chance this month. If you have a gut feeling go with it. Trust your own judgement.
4 Green and 5 Yellow stars together in the North makes this area an uninviting place to spend time. Having a destructive relationship means positive outcomes are sadly lacking here in January. Avoid the area if you can. If this isn’t possible be aware you could feel the negative effects in your body and mind. After the excesses of the holiday season this might be a good time to take a back seat. Rest, rejuvenate and prepare for better times.
With the Northeast hosting a 2 Black/3 Green combination it sounds like a match made in hell. Yes, potentially that would be accurate. This tends to be one of the worst combinations possible with illness and conflict ready and waiting in the wings to strike at a moment’s notice. However, this month they are in the home sector of 8 White star. This does have the ability to temper the worst this pair can manifest.
East has a combination known as Sword Fighting Sha to contend with. This basically means it has both Metal stars (6 White and 7 Red) together. These Metal stars represent a destructive relationship with the Wood element of the East. Expect plenty of conflict here and possible injury. Be aware and stay away from the area if possible. If not, stay alert, cautious and more importantly, avoid conflict at all costs.
7 Red/8 White stars visit Southeast in January. This is a pair that can bring your desires to fruition. However, it will not come without effort on your part, great effort. You will have to work hard to take advantage of any opportunities heading your way. If you can talk the talk however you can succeed. Gua 4, Dragon and Snake born are in the right place to ‘make hay while the sun shines’. Go for it! This is especially good for the younger ones among you.
Wood, both Yin and Yang, enter the Fire sector of the South. This is a good combination but not without issues. 3 tends to indicate aggression so there could be some disputes and disagreements. 4 brings the potential for external romantic liaisons. This can cause stress however rather than allowing it to get the better of you think hard and see if there is anything you can do to remedy the situation.
5 Yellow and 6 White join forces to create potential negativity in the Southwest this month. First the good news…as 5 Yellow Earth star is residing in 2 Earth Star palace this goes some way to alleviating the worst this negative energy has to offer. In addition the 6 White Metal star can weaken the Earth stars. The bad news… this combination can result in stress and illness. Solution…be aware of your thinking as the 6 star relates to the head. Think positive thoughts, relax and concentrate on working toward your goals.
1 Annual/2 Monthly is a destructive combination likely to cause stomach illness, especially if your bedroom is in the West. On the positive side you could find helpful people coming to your assistance. If you are in the West talk to these people and nurture your relationship with them to bring a sense of purpose and direction. This is not the place for pregnant women to sleep as it could potentially cause miscarriage.
Do you know your Chinese animal sign? If not contact us and we will send you the information including the influence the Ox will have if it appears in your chart. Remember you have four pillars in your Chart (year, month, day, hour) and each one represents a different aspect of your life.
Do you know how to superimpose a Luo Shu Grid over the floor plans of your property? Can you identify where your important sectors are located? If not contact us and we will be happy to assist. The important areas of any living space are the main door, kitchen (stove), bedroom and office/study room. You can include the balcony in this if you live in a flat or condo. These are the sectors to focus on when looking at the Monthly Flying Stars.
What else should you know to take full advantage of these monthly updates?
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